How to Use Naloxone
There are some great videos online that walk you through how to use opioid-reversing drugs:
Reducing stigma and increasing hope
Opioid-reversing drugs may cause a person to go into opioid withdrawal with symptoms like chills, vomiting, and other very uncomfortable side effects. Be supportive and nonjudgemental. Help them understand what just happened and that EMS is on the way. You can say something like “You were having an overdose. I had to give you Narcan. I’m so glad you are alive!”
Taking care of yourself
Saving someone’s life is a powerful experience. You might feel strong emotions. Remember that it is ok to feel these feelings and important to process them in healthy ways like talking to a trusted friend or family member, journaling, or even letting yourself shed some tears.
The bottom line is:
if you think someone might be having an overdose, here are three things to remember:
Call 911.
Administer Naloxone
Begin Giving Rescue Breathing
Give rescue breathing if you know how to do this safely, otherwise give chest compression CPR.